Fox Bay Condo CC&R, Bylaws, Rules & Regulations

These RULES and REGULATIONS seek to preserve the beautiful mountain atmosphere here at Fox Bay and are meant to benefit everyone. We kindly request that owners, tenants, and guests respect them, and we sincerely thank you for your cooperation. Please be aware that Fox Bay Condominium is a residential community where occupants hold the primary responsibility for caring for the property. [CC&R 11.1]

In the event a homeowner fails to comply with the rules and regulations, it is important to note that Utah Law allows the HOA to take necessary action, including the possibility of levying fines, to ensure compliance to Fox Bay CC&R Bylaw, Rules and Regulations.

Please refer to the documents below and kindly provide a copy of the General Rules to your tenants. 

If you are having trouble viewing the documents listed above, click here to view them in Google Drive.